Darling Cellar Restaurant

Breakfast,Lunch in Darling

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hol
Monday - Thursday: 09h00 - 17h00
Friday: 09h00 16h00
Saturday: 10h00 - 15h00
Sundays: Closed
Public Holidays: 10h00 - 15h00

Darling Cellars now serves light meals. Come relax with a glass of wine and a delicious plate of food while the children play carefree outside. We are pet-friendly - dogs on leash allowed.

On Wednesday’s we have our Darling Cellars Wine & Dine Wednesday, where we serve a plate of home styled cooked food served with a glass of wine and offer 15% pensioners disc on wines sales. 

“Check out our FB page to find out what is for lunch this Wednesday “ Click HERE 

Click HERE to download our Menu.

Kitchen Closing Times

Monday - Thursday: 16h00
Friday: 15h00
Saturday: 14h00
Public Holidays: 14h00